Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Awkward Moment....Underwear Shopping!!!

Hello everyone J

Does anyone like me experience that awkward moment when you realise it’s that time again where you need to replenish your underwear drawer? *shudders*

What makes me cringe out of my skin the most is when you walk into a store, trying to appear all covert and nonchalant and you come across a couple in the underwear aisle and you immediately just die. Oh god why??!! Especially, when the poor guy looks weirded out by the whole situation.

Also why do some stores look so cheap and tacky? Who wants a neon pink or green bra please? Let’s take Victoria’s Secret as an example; it looks like it could be an additional set from the Fifty Shades movie and any minute Mr Grey will be walking out of some random corner with a whip! I mean great brand, good quality and great runway shows, very popular, however you walk into a store and it’s just sleazy, doesn't make you want to go back!

This experience and many other such awkward tales have me pulling out my aged laptop and ordering online. Shopping online for underwear is so much more convenient and no embarrassment or weird looks from the sales assistant serving you at the till with the look that says: ‘Are you sure that’s even your size?’ Grrhhh

So I retreat behind the privacy of my laptop screen once every other quarter and do it online!! Yay!! Now what do I look for when ordering online? Usually I’ll click through to Debenhams/Next – good websites good underwear too. However, Ann Summers is one of those you wouldn't touch with a barge pole, dire quality and did I mention tacky?

So take my word for it peoples, save the awkward times and order online, hassle free every time! Plus I have recently found an interesting article which details how women tend to buy underwear modelled by Brunettes as oppose to Blondes, interesting times….give it a read…

Ciao for now

Animas x