Sunday, 1 February 2015

*Game of Thrones* My Thoughts & Views so far......

I'd like to think when I started this blog, it was going to be a collection of random blogs about things I enjoy doing, hobbies, interests, rants, vents, loves, losses, you get the picture.

So yeah, recently well maybe about 6 months ago I started watching a programme which most of you will have heard of or are familiar with or are affiliated with someone who has watched or heard of it - anyhow I started watching Game of Thrones. Mostly because Boromir from Lord of the Rings was in it aka Sean Bean (love him!!) and it was of a similar old age sort of theme as LOTR.

By Lord, the amount of nudity though, shocked me! I watched because some of the characters were interesting whereas some had forgettable faces and even more forgettable names.

Lady Stark - bad ass, such a good role model, the Snow character, pathetic sod, downtrodden, bless his 'honour' bound socks and Tyrian Lannister - how cool is he?? To quote a friend when told him I thought he was pretty cool, replied with exacerbation 'aw man, you don't have the same level of appreciation as normal people' so let me make it clear, this dude is very cool, very clever and conniving, a character to small as he is. Also how much of a little s*** is Joeffrey please???!! Grrhh

I'm getting carried away, I have only seen one season LOL - hardcore fans are us, aka commitment phobe, more like. I have literally just seen the dragons being born, hatched, whatever you wanna call it and what erked me was the fact that the blond girl had to be naked for that too?? Jeez!

So maybe, if I don't get trolled too much for writing this, I'll revisit this particular blog and write about my further thoughts and general musings on this show....I believe season 5 is out in April....Lord I have loads to catch up on...

Now I can't get the theme tune out of my head...darn.

Watch this space!!!


  1. We want more! You've had more than enough time to watch season two by now

    1. haha! i'm on it, i'm on it. I have yet to watch it!!

  2. Hate this show, gave up after season one due to the bad accents and terrible acting!

    1. I have yet to see season two chuck. What's put me off further is I watched part of season one episode god knows what and the winter coming thing they were threatnjng in season one is yet to happen...*snore*
