I feel like I've completely abandoned my blog of late. I am so lame, I blame my short attention span for my lameness.
Anyhow you're not here to read about my incessant lameness, you're here to read about my take on all things beauty.
Today I'm talking about the LA Girl Pro HD Concealer. This is a concealer like no other. Incredibly affordable, super full coverage and it doesn't budge!!!
I have been pretty lazy with concealer and just using the one that came with my foundation. I was using the Mac Moisture Mineralise concealer for an age...I wasn't as happy with it as the foundation as it just sat in my lines and was just, too light coverage.
So I decided to experiment, I've seen other bloggers go on and on about this concealer and saw it mentioned on a friends Snapchat recently which prompted me to buy my own. Now I couldn't be bothered paying shipping costs at places so I just bought my tube off of EBay, the seller is called jewelry_fantastic135...
I know the name sounds dim and dodgy, but the products are far from it. I bought two shades to find my true match and then another for contouring purposes. They were £3.44 each which is great to be honest.
The shades I bought were Fawn, Warm Honey and Chestnut. Fawn was too dark and Chestnut was my contour colour, however Warm Honey matched perfectly.
I find with these concealers you don't need much to conceal, a little goes a long way. It has a brush applicator which looks convenient at first but in time would be a cesspit of disease, so I steer clear of using it and apply the product on the back of my hand and use a brush to apply.
Also guys, if your looking for stiff packaging or if you're expecting what you're used to with the high end brands, don't! You're getting what you're paying for here, the packaging is cheap and functional.
I also found with these that they don't require powder to set, which is convenient because I hate powdering, bane of my existence.
You don't have to purchase a few shades to get your perfect match if you don't want, do some research look online at swatches and compare. I'm NC42 skin tone and Warm Honey went perfectly.
So yeah, go check it out, I'm sure there are official stockists somewhere but hey at eBay shipping was free hehehe.
See you soon x